Welcoming the Return of the Light: Winter Solstice.

I love the term, ‘Midwinter.’

I use it for all manner of things in my life - a term for the fact that I’ve reached the middle of my cold, dark ‘wintering’ period and am about to turn a corner and begin a thawing out phase - a return to the light after a long period of increasing darkness. I feel as though we “winter” at different times of our lives. We go into a bit of a quiet, introspective and sheltered period to pause, be still and integrate what is happening in our lives.

As the Winter Solstice approaches in the northern hemisphere, I’m reminded of all the times that I’ve felt in the midst of the ‘winter’ of my own life. The times when I’ve retreated and gone within, whether by choice or necessity - most often times that have been thrust upon me as a forced rest instead of a welcome reprieve, but always times that hold great lessons and a wealth of gifts. As I write this today, I find myself in the midst (and hopefully middle) of one of my own ‘wintering’ phases.

As the sun begins its journey back towards warmth and light, the Winter Solstice reminds us that even in the darkest of times, there is always a glimmer of hope.

The celebration of the Winter Solstice reminds me of the deep faith that humanity has held that indeed, the light would return again. It amazes me to think about - to imagine people hundreds of years ago in the midst of the darkest time of the year, without electricity, trusting that the cyclical wheel of life would turn and the days would begin to get longer once again. I feel such a particular enchantment in the air around this magical time. For me, going within and nestling in the dark feels so natural. Possibly even more so than the seemingly inextinguishable eternal flame of busyness and productivity that surrounds me in our current time.

When I look back and connect the dots of my own life that have led me to where I am today, I’m always amazed at the magical synchronicities and the intricately woven thread that has created the beautiful tapestry of my life. Without the quiet moments of contemplation and integration, I’m not sure I would have such a broad perspective and profound gratitude for where I am today. I recently had surgery - a thyroidectomy, which caused damage to a nerve in my throat that’s affected my voice, swallowing and breathing - and so I find myself in deep rest and rejuvenation. A period where I’ve stepped away from a lot of the fullness of my own life and taken time for quiet introspection and the honouring of what my Soul and body need at this moment.

This isn’t unfamiliar territory for me. I’ve had several surgeries throughout my years here in this life. I also have highly sensitive children who have required a different path than most which has led me to be home with them for longer than is typical, finding ourselves away “from the maddening crowds.” In my work, I’ve chosen a path that allows me to take time to retreat and refill my own cup often. As a highly sensititive Soul, this has been essential to my well-being and a skill that I’ve nurtured and learned to love. Sometimes I feel as though we celebrate and encourage over-achievement and busyness; however, if achievement and busyness are skills than stillness and quiet contemplation is one too. Perhaps a long-forgotten one that it’s time we relearn, embrace and embody. I can’t think of a better time for this than the Winter Solstice.

Throughout history, people have celebrated Midwinter, or the Winter Solstice. A time that marks the longest night and shortest day of the year. Themes for this celebration included bringing in and celebrating the return of the light: from candles and lanterns to twinkling Christmas lights. This time, when the long nights and short days weigh heavy on us, myths and stories were often shared about the rebirth of the Sun (Son) bringing light back into the world. And although, I’m not a religious person, I find it interesting and endearing that even though most theologians and historians agree that Jesus was probably born in the spring, his birth was celebrated close to the Solstice as he represented the light of a new consciousness coming into the world. For generations, we’ve also celebrated eternal life as part of the Solstice by bringing evergreens into the home - a reminder that although dark and bleak at the moment, life is still buzzing beneath the blanket of snow and will once again reemerge after its necessary and rejuvenating period of rest. Nature holds so many beautiful teachings for us: all the life in the natural world around me has travelled deep down to its roots, the trees and plants ensuring that although nature is resting, it is a necessary period of retreat so that growth can take place again once Spring returns.

The Winter Solstice is a time of great medicine, wisdom, teachings and embodiment if we slow down to feel and ultimately receive. It is a time that we sit on the cusp of change - shifting from a time of loss as the days grow shorter to a time of replenishment as the days begin to grow longer again. And in this shift, just as in the moment of pause between the in breath and exhalation, there is a time of stillness without which this change could not occur.

In this moment of stillness, this period when a deep cosmic shift is happening, we too can pause and embody the powerful spiritual lessons that stillness holds. This integral pause is seen throughout life and is a beautiful reminder that stillness holds great medicine and wisdom when we are quiet enough to listen.

One of my favourite poses in yoga, and arguably the most important one, is Savasana. This pose, also known as corpse pose, is done at the end of a yoga practice and is a time of integration when we allow ourselves the space to be in a deep and profound state of awareness where our body can relax and integrate our practice into our life.

As Glennon Doyle points out in her book, “Untamed,” the word, “Selah” is found in the Hebrew Bible seventy-four times. This is a powerful word the meaning of which translates to a ‘holy silence and pause.’ When used, it directs the reader to stop reading for a moment and be still - knowing that the idea that had come before was profound and was meant to transform the reader. Something that could only be fully realized by a moment of quiet contemplation and just like Savasana in yoga, without this still moment of integration, the full breadth of the wisdom and transformation could not be achieved.

The same is true when we listen to music. Without the pauses, it simply becomes noise. The silence between the notes not only offers the balance needed to create something beautiful, but it’s also the place where the depth and meaning behind the music sinks in.

Today, this quiet introspection and the honouring of the dark and soon-to-be-Light reminds me of the enchantment of this Earthly experience. As though we are in a gestation period. A womb space, where there is a combination of silence enmeshed with the concentration of life force. A miraculous time of stillness without which the rebirth of the light couldn’t be realized. During this time of the Winter Solstice, as the Great Mother births the Sun and we once again begin the mysterious dance of growing light, we’re offered a time to be still, reflect and embody the sacred and miraculous cyclical nature of life.

As we sit on this cosmic, dark moment of stillness, I invite you to go within and reflect on your own life as it is in this very moment in time. Just as Joseph Campbell talks about the “dark night of the Soul” as an integral part of the “Hero’s Journey,” we too can take time during this dark season to go within and do our own soul-filled introspection and integration.

This time of year is a beautiful reminder of the need for rest and integration on our path to growth; that although we see duality in doing & Being, both hold great medicine and the balance of these is crucial to our ability to thrive. Just like we don’t expect a flower to bloom continuously, I invite you to show yourself that same compassion and allow time for yourself to pause and rest so that you can recharge and replenish. This is a time when the gentle whispers of the Universe become less shrouded in the flurry of busyness so that you can become connected to the deepest parts of yourself and your interconnection to the Whole.

The Winter Solstice is a sacred reminder that within the depths of darkness, lies the potential for profound transformation and rebirth. Just as the sun emerges from its longest night, so too can we awaken to our own inner light, illuminating the path of our unique journey.

As I take my own time and space to rest, heal and integrate, I’m sending you all so much love and the hope that during this magical time of the year, you’re able to give yourself the gift of rest and replenishment. Allow space to remember the roots of the celebrations that this time of year brings and pause to reconnect with those parts of you that are yearning for your love and attention.

Happy Winter Solstice🕯️🕊️✨

🤍 Sara Rose